Divorce And The Importance of Paying Child Support

If you are getting a divorce and you have kids with the other party, you need to review various legal topics. Many parents have to make child support payments, and if you are in this position it is pivotal to ensure that you stay current. Aside from reviewing factors that courts go over when awarding child support, you should familiarize yourself with some of the penalties associated with falling behind.

Sometimes, parents have to pay child support before the divorce process is complete. Moreover, some do not realize how quickly they owe support, or that they will owe a certain amount each month, which highlights the importance of preparation.

Texas Has Harsh Penalties For Missing Child Support Payments

According to the Office of the Attorney General, parents who fall behind on child support payments can face serious repercussions. For example, you could lose your driver’s license, fishing license or professional license. The state could place a lien on your bank account or property, and you could have back support you owe reported to a credit bureau.

Parents can also lose their passport privileges over unpaid child support and some even face time behind bars.

Preparing For Child Support During Divorce

In order to avoid these problems, make sure you prepare yourself for child support obligations. Review factors courts go over, such as the income of each party and the number of children involved in a case. Many parents pay support through income withholding, but this does not always take effect immediately and you could have to find another way to pay support beforehand.

Child support is a crucial aspect of the divorce process for many parents, and it could affect your life for years to come.

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